Tuesday, July 17, 2018

A letter to myself at the beginning of the homeschool year

I hope I never forget, the simple wonders that can catch the attention of a child.
I hope that I don't lose sight of what's important, because what's important to the small child is truly important according to their time, not necessarily according to our own adult time. That feelings matter, no matter what the cause. That the abstract scribbles have an important story. That crazy thoughts are a sign of rich imagination at work.

I hope that I don't get too caught up in "curriculum", "academics", or how other kids are doing. I hope I remember that life is a neverending learning process. That "school" is not the only education there is. That the "classroom" is not the only socialization that exists. That methods of learning are merely tools to choose from, try out, and customize to the best fit.
I hope I remember that I'm facilitating a human being--- not a robot, not an object, not a compilation of grades, not just some trophy waiting to be shown off. Planting the seeds of character... and enjoying the lifelong process of them getting to know about themselves and the world around them. .
Most of all, I hope I remember that this raising and educating kids thing takes time-- life-long, in fact. So I hope I don't forget to enjoy the ride with them, be thankful for every moment I'm blessed to be with them. The days are long but the years are short. May Allah grant us a grateful heart and guidance in putting the best effort we can to raise our kids ❤

Arum_ourlearningfamily | ourlearningfamily.blogspot.co.id | July 17, 2018

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